Louisiana Hotline Mental Health

According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) for 2019, approximately 20% of adults in Louisiana reported experiencing a mental illness in the past year. The most common mental health conditions include anxiety disorders, major depressive disorder, and substance use disorders.

Suicide is a serious concern related to mental health. According to the Louisiana Department of Health’s 2019 report, the suicide rate in Louisiana was 18.8 per 100,000 population. Suicide rates can vary by age group, gender, and other factors.

Like many states in the United States, Louisiana faces challenges in terms of access to mental health care services. Access to mental health professionals, especially in rural areas, can be limited. Some individuals may also face financial barriers to receiving adequate mental health care.

Louisiana has several resources available for individuals seeking mental health support. These include public mental health clinics, private therapists and counselors, community organizations, and crisis hotlines. The Louisiana Department of Health and the Louisiana Office of Behavioral Health can provide more information on available resources.

Louisiana has experienced several natural disasters in recent years, such as hurricanes and floods, which can have a significant impact on mental health. Disasters can lead to increased stress, anxiety, depression, and trauma-related disorders among affected individuals and communities.

Louisiana Nationwide Hotline for Mental Health

Take the first step towards a healthier mind and call the Louisiana Mental Health Helpline at (800) 557-9715,  a dedicated team of mental health professionals, counselors, and volunteers and are here 24/7 to offer a listening ear, emotional support, and practical advice. Call the LA mental health hotline now.

Louisiana Mental Health Helpline Resources

Louisiana Office of Behavioral Health

The Louisiana Office of Behavioral Health provides statewide authority and accountability for all behavioral healthcare, including mental health treatment services, for Louisiana citizens. This includes coordinating between other agencies and partnering entities that deliver and manage components of care for the behavioral health population, both insured and uninsured

NAMI Louisiana

NAMI Louisiana is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization made up of family members, peers, behavioral health professionals, and friends. The mission and purpose of NAMI Louisiana shall be to support and advocate at the local, state, and national levels the promotion of the quality of care, rights and interests of those affected by mental illness. The NAMI helpline number is (800) 950-6264

Other Mental Health Crisis Links Louisiana